HomeDiversity & Inclusion
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Diversity & Inclusion

Everyone deserves access to the best finance advice. We’ve woven diversity and inclusiveness into our mission to make finance know-how inclusive to all.

Editorial Guidelines

No matter who you are (or where you are on your money journey), we approach every article with understanding and empathy. To safeguard our writers from unconsciously projecting individual beliefs, backgrounds, or biases into our content, we’ve created strict editorial guidelines and a peer review process.


Our approach to diversity and inclusion reflects all ethnicities, genders, socioeconomic status, race and abilities. We cater for all backgrounds and abilities to help you live your best financial life.

Person-First Language

We use people-first language to address our readers. We identify them as homeowners, car owners, cosigners, parents, spouses, and more.

Web Accessibility

We meet W3C Accessibility standards which guide web standards for making the web accessible to people with disabilities.

Avoiding Stereotypes

We keep our advice free from stereotypes, generalizations, and assumptions about our readers' money skills or goals.


Everyone's money goals – and access to financial resources and programs – are different. We take that into consideration with each topic we cover.

Use of Imagery & Artwork

Our site looks like our audience. It's welcoming, authentic, and diverse. We use images that portray real people living real lives.

Diverse Writers

Our content creators are diverse experts in the financial space. Expect fresh perspectives and content that speaks to the ever-evolving lives and interests of our readers.

Want to get to know our team a bit better?

About UsAuthors & Reviewers