Home Appraisals

What To Do if Your Appraisal Comes in Low on a Refinance
During a refinance, there are many moments of anticipation you hope will eventually lead to successfully refinancing your home. Minutes feel like eons when you’re waiting for an update from your loan officer. You’ll likely feel twinges of anxiety while you’re waiting for the results of your appraisal to come back. Your most pressing question...

What Hurts a Home Appraisal?
A home appraisal is a comprehensive evaluation of a home’s value that takes into account the living condition of the home, any improvements made and comparable homes in the area. It lets potential buyers and their mortgage lenders know if they may be paying too much for a home. If they are, the lender may...

Home Appraisals: How To Refinance Successfully
You may be thinking of refinancing your home for any number of reasons. Maybe you’re hoping to take advantage of a cash-out refinance. Or maybe you want to shorten the length of your loan term or get a lower monthly mortgage payment. A mortgage refinance loan can help you achieve any of these goals. Whatever’s...

No-Appraisal Refinance – That’s a Thing?
Home loan refinancing is all the rage nowadays. In 2020, mortgage refinances (aka refis) were so popular that 1 out of every 10 refinances was done on a mortgage loan that had ALREADY been refinanced at least once in the previous 12 months. That’s a lot of refinancing! Historically low interest rates have made refinancing...