Building Credit

14 Credit Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For
There is a lot of good information out there about how to use credit responsibly – but there are also credit myths to watch out for. How do you know which recommendation is credit fiction or credit fact? We round up the 14 most common credit myths and explain why you shouldn’t believe them. Myth...

How To Build Credit Without a Credit Card
You don’t always need a credit card to build credit. It’s one of the easiest ways – but it isn’t the only way. One of the keys to building credit is to pay your bills on time. This is how you can establish a solid credit history even if you don’t have a credit card....

2021 Survey: Revealing Habits and Misconceptions Ahead of Financial Literacy Month
April is typically recognized as Financial Literacy Month, but how often do we really stop and smell the roses? The roses, in this case, being the financial knowledge that we can take with us into May and beyond. The pandemic has certainly given us a new perspective when it comes to looking at finances and...

What Is a Credit Builder Loan? Another Way To Build Credit
A credit builder loan is a type of loan created specifically to help people build credit. It’s actually a bit like a reverse loan. With most installment loans, like personal loans, you get the money up front to make a big purchase. Then, you start paying the same amount (an installment) each month until you’ve...

How To Rebuild Credit: A DIY Credit Repair Guide
A damaged credit history and low credit scores can throw a big wrench into your financial life. It makes it harder (and more expensive) to get a loan or get approved for credit cards. Lenders will likely charge you higher interest rates to borrow money, and it’s likely you won’t be eligible for the credit...

How To Build Credit: 5 Ways To Increase Your Credit Scores
Credit cards aren’t the only method you should use to establish and build your credit scores. To the contrary, while we can’t guarantee that a given credit-building method will get you the best results, it’s generally agreed that using a combination of tactics benefits your credit scores more than relying entirely on credit cards alone....

How To Keep Your Credit Scores High During Retirement
As you begin to approach retirement you’re likely thinking more about wealth preservation than you are about credit scoring. Your borrowing days may be behind you. Even after retirement, however, your credit scores still matter for a variety of reasons, not the least being that your existing creditors will continue to check them from time...

Do 609 Dispute Letters Actually Help? Explanation and Sample Letter
You have the right to expect accurate, error-free credit reports. Literally, it’s your federal right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Yet, despite the credit reporting agencies’ best efforts to comply with the law, it’s no secret that credit reporting errors still occur. According to a study completed by the Federal Trade Commission, as...

What Is Creditworthiness? A Definition and Explanation
Do you have plans to apply for a new credit card in the near future? Maybe you’re considering a new auto loan, mortgage, student loan, or personal loan. Regardless of the type of financing you are seeking, your creditworthiness will play an important role in whether your applications for credit are approved or denied. What...

The Definitive Guide to Building Business Credit
Business credit is pretty much like personal credit, but for businesses. If you understand how your personal credit reports and scores work, you’ll have a good idea of how business credit works too. But there are some important differences. Business credit reports and scores are completely separate from personal reports and scores. However, lenders will typically...

Does Buying Tradelines Help Credit Scores?
Trying to boost your credit score? You’re in luck. Strategies abound for establishing or increasing credit scores. One approach that’s been around for quite some time involves becoming an authorized user (AU) on someone else’s credit card account. Being an AU on a well-managed credit card has the potential to improve your credit scores. The AU...

How To Build Credit With a Credit Card
Are you new to credit cards? Do you want to understand how credit cards impact your credit history and how to maximize your credit scores? Remember, a credit card can be a 100% free way to build up your credit, as long as you use it responsibly. This is a guide to building and improving...